Githa Nafeeza born in Bogor on 19 October 1980, and has Githa Asterita original name, the name taken from Nafeeza in Ghania Nafeeza daughter's name. He Priangan in elementary school, junior SIIP, and SMA 5 Bandung and complete its S1 level in the International Relations department Parahiyangan University, Bandung. And is currently continuing education in the Executive Masters in Business Management, Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta.
He chose a field of serious because according to him in the broadcast soul. Career in travel quite a lot of challenges that must be faced. But according to him all the challenges thus be triggered to prove that he was able to overcome all the problems that exist. Abstinence attitudes surrender of all the challenges that faces reflected in the motto of his life which is "Never give up to any condition ... live to the fullest."
He started to plunge the world broadcast in 2001 when a radio announcer on Ardan, Bandung, until the year 2003. Then he continue his broadcasting career in MQTV in the period 2004-2005 as a Presenter. New in 2006 he entered to the national TV station Trans TV. Trans TV station in the experience he felt that the extraordinary should be a roving reporter to cover India's unique on earth archipelago. In addition to a reporter, he also carries some news programs on TV stations are.
Began in February 2008 he moved to the first station-specific news in the Metro TV. In Metro TV presenter he was a few events such as Talk Show Public Corner, The Interview and Special Dialogue. In addition, he also became a reporter-specific events in Metro TV as We Do Green Concert. Then he was also present special programs sport news that Metro Golf Monthly Golf.
Long before people recognized as news presenter Githa never diligent modeling world. It was started when he was selected to be one of the finalists face Femina in 2001. Then he worked as a professional model in the magazine group Femina Health promoter contest. In addition to becoming a finalist Femina Face, Githa also a champion 2 Ramli Model Indonesia (West Java) in 2004. Then he also became the runner up Putri Indonesia West Java provincial level in the same year.
Githa Achievements include:
Femina face 2001 finalist
Juara 2 Putri Indonesia (West Java) 2004
Juara Favorite Putri Indonesia (West Java) 2004
Juara 2 Ramli Model Indonesia (West Java) 2004
2. Lucia Saharui Profile & Photo:

This sweet girl to work as before and have a marketing dream to become a cantor. However, fate took him to a world that will toss his name. Yup, the Broadcast.
Lucia Saharui women originating from Ternate, Maluku this graduate of the University of Indonesia with with the title Engineering. After spending 4 years to work in a cement factory, began in the Career TV RCTI. Join with Metro TV in July 2006, Lucia is now as reliable anchor 'Metro Night' and 'Headline News'.
3. Fessy Alwi Photo & Profile:

Fessy Alwi is Newspresenter from MetroTV that appear on the regular program and your votes Metro Siang. Previous Fessy is News presenter in antv, in antv Fessy all Events held regular news topic from the Morning, Afternoon Topic, Topic, evening, night and until the topic also carries the dialogue We Topics.
Women's smile is a cheap start to joining Metro TV in October 2008 and the early appear is on Headline News at 19:00 as a Reporter who covered the place of the attorney general on 31 October 2008 ago as the early show with the present program News presenter News Flash.
Women's smile is a cheap start to joining Metro TV in October 2008 and the early appear is on Headline News at 19:00 as a Reporter who covered the place of the attorney general on 31 October 2008 ago as the early show with the present program News presenter News Flash.
Fessy Alwi was born in Malang on July 18, 1980 with the full name Fessy Farizqoh Alwi Assegaf. In elementary school Menanggal 601 Surabaya, SMP 1 Surabaya, Surabaya and SMU 9. He finished in the S1 level of the Faculty of Law University of Airlangga, Surabaya. Then S2 is completed at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Fessy now and have been married with Taufik Basari, a lawyer, human rights activist, and founder of Legal Aid Society.
Fessy Alwi launch a career as a journalist in 2003. As a journalist he certainly has a lot of experience, with a begitupun Alwi Fessy, one of experience as a journalist is a journalist when the Presidential Palace and the President to join South Korea, during the period he worked in South Korea Fessy perform journalistic tasks all their own, must Fessy bring your own camera and tripod, and take pictures and send them to Indonesia at the time that is almost the same time. The task of a journalist can not be separated from the interview, and has many Fessy interview someone and among a number of interviews that have been made, the experience is not forgotten when interviewed President SBY on antv a special program entitled "Drink Tea Joint President SBY." "In over my young, I have interviewed a number of people in Indonesia," said Fessy, "Meanwhile, one of the experiences that do not forgotten and can learn a lot is when the President took to South Korea,"
Fessy Alwi launch a career as a journalist in 2003. As a journalist he certainly has a lot of experience, with a begitupun Alwi Fessy, one of experience as a journalist is a journalist when the Presidential Palace and the President to join South Korea, during the period he worked in South Korea Fessy perform journalistic tasks all their own, must Fessy bring your own camera and tripod, and take pictures and send them to Indonesia at the time that is almost the same time. The task of a journalist can not be separated from the interview, and has many Fessy interview someone and among a number of interviews that have been made, the experience is not forgotten when interviewed President SBY on antv a special program entitled "Drink Tea Joint President SBY." "In over my young, I have interviewed a number of people in Indonesia," said Fessy, "Meanwhile, one of the experiences that do not forgotten and can learn a lot is when the President took to South Korea,"
4. Kania Sutisnawinata Photo & Profile.

Kania Sutisnawinata is one of the primetime news anchor of Metro TV, such as' Metro Today 'and' Top Nine News'. Previous joint Dalton Tanonaka, he carries the program 'India Now'. Television Careers Kania started from SCTV in Jakarta.
Kania is the daughter of the couple Djunaedi Sutisnawinata and Kanariah. Kania is the second child of two brothers, sister named Kamelia Sutisnawinata. Kania father was a diplomat and had been the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 1992-1995 Mexico. Born in Jakarta on 16 July 1975, Kania had spent little time in various countries, including Czech Republic, Switzerland, the United States, and Mexico.
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